Inspected Residential

Inspected Residential


EQC sign off

Earthquake Damage EQC and Liquefaction

The earthquakes of 2010-2011 in Christchurch caused extensive damage to many parts of the city, and their effects continue to be felt today. The Earthquake Commission (EQC) is a Crown entity responsible for providing insurance cover and related services to people affected by earthquakes in New Zealand.
People living in Christchurch should understand the implications of EQC’s coverage and the importance of taking preventive measures when dealing with the possibility of another earthquake. EQC covers damage from ground shaking that exceeds a certain intensity threshold, as well as subsequent liquefaction which can cause further structural damage to buildings. People living in areas prone to liquefaction need to take extra caution when building or renovating homes – it is important that design features such as suitable foundations are incorporated into construction plans. Additionally, understanding the potential additional costs associated with earthquake-related repair work should be taken into account when considering home maintenance and renovation projects.
When faced with an emergency due to an earthquake or other natural disaster event, it’s essential that people contact EQC promptly so they can submit claims for compensation and receive financial help to restore their property back to its pre-event condition. Knowing what types of damage are covered by EQC will also ensure a smoother claims process in the event of an emergency situation.

Extensions and renovations

Before taking on any home renovations or major additions, homeowners should consider several factors. First, they should calculate the total cost of the project and determine if it is feasible and within their budget. Homeowners should also research materials and products, getting multiple quotes and estimates for labour and materials. Comparing the costs can help them decide which option is best for their needs. Additionally, homeowners should make sure they have necessary permits and that the project is in compliance with local building codes. Lastly, it’s important to create a timeline with realistic goals and deadlines to ensure the project is completed on schedule. With proper planning, research and budgeting, any home renovation or addition can be successful.
Builders report
Home check

Healthy homes

New Zealand is a country that prides itself on its commitment to high standards when it comes to health and safety. This commitment is reflected in the strict regulations that New Zealand has put in place for healthy homes. The Healthy Homes Standard was introduced by the government in 2019, which requires all rental properties to meet certain criteria related to heating control, insulation, ventilation, moisture ingress, drainage, and draught.

The main goal of this standard is to ensure that all rental properties provide tenants with healthy and comfortable living conditions. Landlords are responsible for ensuring their property meets these standards before they can legally rent out their home or apartment. To help landlords comply with these requirements, the Tenancy Services provide guidance materials to help them understand their obligations.

Work that may need consent

In New Zealand, building consents may be required for below – Always check with your local council to see if a building consent applies to you.
Pre sale building report
Property evaluation

Types of Ownership

Our reports are accepted by all major banks and insurance companies.

Property report